十五湖斜釘 Tilted Nail Domino

by Siuchung Lee



* * * 請注意: Android 3.2 HONEYCOMB 或之前的手機這遊戲不能支持。抱歉。斜釘(也被稱為邪釘)的玩法很簡單。斜釘用的牌與天九和牌九用的牌很相似。將32張牌平均分派給四個玩家,然後玩家依次一隻一隻地出牌,出牌時要跟上一家的牌。若玩家不能跟牌出,則要將一隻牌反轉放在枱面,稱為「飲」。如此直接所有牌出光了,計算「飲」的牌的總點數,點數最小的玩家便贏了。
"Tilted Nail" is a Chinese Domino card game. Each player holds 8 cards and takes turn to play a card. Players must follow "suit" when playing a card. If he cannot follow, he has to fold one of his unplayed cards. When all cards are played, folded cards are turned over to count how many digits each player has folded. The player who folded the most digits will lose the most points.
Notice: Devices running Android 3.2 HONEYCOMB or older are not supported.